ALBAYRAK MALİ MÜŞAVİRLİK - Certified Public Accountant & Expert

The Employer Cannot Deduct Your Notice Compensation From Your Salary..!

If the employer does not comply with the notice period, it pays the notice compensation to the employee upon exit from the job. If the employee is the party who wishes to terminate the employment contract without using the notice period, the employee must pay the notice compensation in advance. Even if the employee has a receivable from the employer due to the working wage, the employer cannot deduct this money from the notice indemnity. If the notice indemnity is not paid on time, the interest to be applied will be the legal interest. In addition, with the regulation in the Law No. 7036 on Labor Courts, the statute of limitations for notice compensation is five years, and the period will start from the date on which the worker is entitled to notice compensation. More..

Mandatory Mediation brought

Draft Law on Labor Courts, which concerns 14 million workers due to the mandatory mediation of labor cases, was adopted at the General Assembly and was enacted. More..